I grew up here in Florida and I have always had art in my life. My dad was an architect and photographer, so I believe that rubbed off on me. Luckily for me, Orlando was a great place for me to grow up.
Being hands-on is the best way to describe myself. Anything that I could create with my hands I wanted to try. I took ceramics, graphic design, and photography classes. I graduated from Doctor Phillips High School with an Art Magnet Diploma. At Valencia College, I took printmaking and 3D Illustration, but I decided that Print Graphic Design was going to be my path.
I found myself in Philadelphia for a change of scenery where I discovered and developed leadership skills by becoming a restaurant manager. I'm always open to new experiences, cultures, and ways of thinking.
I am a normal person.
Tika Skiba (°1985, Orlando) makes photos, drawings, media art and mixed media artworks. In a search for new methods to ‘read the city’, Skiba creates intense personal moments masterfully created by means of rules and omissions, acceptance and refusal, luring the viewer round and round in circles.
Her photos are often about contact with architecture and basic living elements. Energy (heat, light, water), space and landscape are examined in less obvious ways and sometimes developed in absurd ways. By applying abstraction, her works reference the simple grotesque awe of everyday life, as well as the absurdities that come along with it.